Using the Database

Using the database is easy & makes the many details of having a show for our league also much easier.  Be sure you read our show prospectus as well as the LSAG show prospectus before entering artwork.  Visit our Judged Show Info page.

If you are a member of Art League of Bay City, begin with step 1.

If you are not a member of ALBC, a new member, or you do not have a login to the database, please contact our Database Manager, Marguerite, at  Once you are set up with an account, proceed with these steps.  Please note:  If you are not a member of ALBC or an LSAG affiliated league, your win will not be eligible for the LSAG juried show.  The LSAG juried show is exclusively for LSAG members which includes ALBC members.   

1.   Go to the LSAG website:  and click on 'Shows' then 'Enter'.  Read the LSAG prospectus & guidelines.  At the bottom of the page, you will see a button to go to the database.

2.   Login to your database account with your email and password.  It will acknowledge who the account is for. 
Note:  If there's more than one LSAG member in your family, each member will be listed under separate email accounts. 

3.   Click on Profile (left side).
Everything you need to do is under your profile.  
-Review and correct any errors and especially verify your Division and  click Save.  

Notes on Choosing an Artist Division: 

-Selecting an appropriate division is imperative.  If you are new to your league or to LSAG shows, be sure to consult the guidelines. 

-An Adult Student is defined as someone who has created artwork for less than 3 years.  After 2 years of college level art classes or 3 years in the Adult Student division, these members shall move up to the Non-Professional division. 

-Those making their living as an artist should enter in the Professional division.
-You can go up in division; you may not go down.  You are in the same division regardless of art category.    

4.   If you have artwork already in the database that you want to enter into a show & it is still eligible (within the 2 yrs. & other requirements), click on View Artwork. Then go to Step 5.


If you have not already entered your artwork, click View Artwork, then Add New.   Enter all details, and click Save.  It will now appear in your View Artwork list.

5.  Click on the title of the piece you want to enter into a show.  Select the show from the drop down list, confirm the category, and click Add.

Repeat only steps 4 and 5 for each piece you wish to enter in a show.

You are entered!